
Her er det en oversikt over litteratur om PedSAFE, PEVS og annen relevant litteratur.

Publikasjoner fra PedSAFE gruppen på Akershus universitetssykehus:

Solevåg AL, Eggen EH, Schröder J, Nakstad B. Use of a Modified Pediatric Early Warning Score in a Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. PLOS ONE. 2013;8; 1-6

Solevåg AL. Pediatrisk tidlig varslingsskår (PEVS). Paidos. 2014; 32(2):45-48 Paidos 32(2)2014 WEB[1]

Solevåg AL, Karlgren K. Competences for enhancing interprofessional collaboration in a paediatrics setting: Enabling and hindering factors. J Interprof Care. 2016;30(1):129-31. 

Artikkel i tidsskriftet for barnesykpleiere nr 1, 2015

Solevåg, AL., Hjertaas, T.H Verktøy kan tidlig gjenkjenne alvorlig sykdom

Andre relevante publikasjoner:

Akre M, Finkelstein M, Erickson M, Liu M, Vanderbilt L, Billman G. Sensitivity of the Pediatric Early Warning Score to Identify Patient Deterioration. Pediatrics. 2010;125:e763-9.

Chapman SM, Grocott MP, Franck LS. Systematic review of paediatric alert criteria for identifying hospitalised children at risk of critical deterioration. Intensive Care Med. 2010;36:600-11.

Duncan H, Hutchison J, Parshuram CS. The Pediatric Early Warning System score: a severity of illness score to predict urgent medical need in hospitalized children. J Crit Care. 2006;21:271-8.

Jerneberg B, Karanikas B. Sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att använda bedömningsinstrument på barn (Pediatric Early Warning Score). Examensarbete i Vårdvetenskap. 2013; Institut för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap.

Monaghan A. Detecting and managing deterioration in children. Paediatr Nurs. 2005;17:32-5.

Parshuram CS, Hutchison J, Middaugh K. Development and initial validation of the Bedside Paediatric Early Warning System score. Crit Care. 2009;13:R135.

Tveiten, Diep, Halvorsen og Markestad Respiratory Rate During the First 24 Hours of Life in Healthy Term Infants.

The Irish pediatric Early Warning system (PEWS), National Clinical Guideline no 12nationalguideline